Looking for a Second Job

Applying for a second job while currently employed is what is referred to as moonlighting. There was once a time when moonlighting was employed only by underpaid employees and those who were cash strapped. These days, some people consider modeling as a second career; check with a reputable licensed modeling agency too see if this might be an option for you — but watch out for those who just want your money!

Recent times, however, have dictated people to look for second jobs especially with the high cost of living these days. Now, you will find even successful professionals, as well as people from all walks of life try to supplement their income by having second jobs. For most people, moonlighting is not resorted to just for the money. Sometimes they do it just to learn more skills and get more training. It is worthy to note that even employers nowadays recognize the value of their employees having second jobs.

In spite of all these, moonlighting cannot be for everyone. Before making up your mind, you should first weigh the advantages and disadvantages that to you will affect your decision.

Most people also think that having a second job provides some sense of employment security. The scenario is that most professionals feel that their full time job is unstable, thus they look for a second job that will act as their back-up in case the first one falls through. Meanwhile, having a second job reaps different psychological benefits that include the thinking that the employee is not bound to his first job.

However, because there are advantages, there are also disadvantages. When moonlighting you will have to manage your time well. Do remember that a second job will require ten or maybe twenty more hours of your free time. This will become an issue especially if you will have to balance your day job, your second job, and then your family and yourself. In addition to this, a time might come when both your day job and your second job will conflict. This is mostly the case in the software industry where patents and intellectual properties are kept confidential.

Similarly, a conflict might arise between your day job and your second job. Though this is may not pose a problem to some, you should take into consideration that working with a competitor might put you in a difficult situation. Most of the time, employers want your exclusivity. They do not want to share your knowledge to a competitor company and they can go to the extremes of insisting that they have rights to what you know. This is mostly the case when working with software companies or in any industry that specializes in electronics.

Employees are also discouraged to take on a second job because of fear that they might be tired and get burned out. This is what employers try to avoid in the workplace because it can decrease an employees’ productivity and quality output.

With all the foregoing, it may seem that having a second job may not be bad after all. The important thing is that you know what your priorities are, you know how to balance your time, and you know how to keep commitments. While supplementing your income is not a bad idea, you should also take into consideration the risks that might eventually crop up or the sacrifices that will have to be made.

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categories: models,actor,actress,casting,talent agency,television,tv,movies

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