Get in the Scoop for Reality TV Casting

When you see American Idol auditions on TV it seems like everyone gets to see Simon, Paula, and Randy, but this isn’t true. In this article, I’ll let you know the entire process it takes for the American Idol audition and tell you what you should expect. Keep on reading this article to find out. Click this link to see a list of American Idol auditions in your area or MTV casting. American Idol is already at season 9, that means 9 years already of American Idol. That means there will more auditions for American Idol coming up. When you watch an episode of American Idol about the auditions, they glamourize the whole thing and it doesn’t really work that way.

The truth is that you will be in line for hours at a time. Also you don’t get to perform in front of Randy, Paula, or Simon. There will be no cameras unless they film you in line for a fraction of a second. What happens is that you have to past this milestone before you can see the celebrity judges you see on TV during an American Idol episode. The casting directors will then advance you to the next round if you have the right look and can sing really well.

The truth of the matter is that if you aren’t white, attractive, and marketable, you won’t make it. — Even if you are the best singer out there. That’s the harsh reality, but it’s their show and they can choose whomever that want to. Even in the motor city you can get an auditions.

I have worked in casting for years and the only thing we look for is if that person is marketable to the general public. The casting directors only look at one thing: what gets the most viewers and gets the most ratings. Take the example of William Hung with “She Bangs.” The casting directors knew that they could make him a laughing stock and have people talk about him at the water cooler the next day. They didn’t care that they were making fun of someone, all they want is ratings.

Remember William Hung with that song “She Bangs?” Although the casting directors knew he was horrible, they also knew that they could use him for ratings. It didn’t matter that he was the laughing stock of the whole nation for a week. All that mattered to the casting directors was getting viewers and getting Nielson ratings. Less than half of a percent of all candidates on the show get to see the celebrity judges and be on TV. Don’t get discouraged though, you’ll just need to find the right audition to get to and start the process. Whether or not you’re looking to be a singer, music is your background so start off with music video casting calls. And kids can also audition at disney auditions for kids Good luck with your American Idol audition and I hope to see you on a cover of the next CD.

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