Spot the chief performing talent agency

Do you need to find the best talent agency to help you when you’ve decided to really take your acting career or modeling career seriously?

The best clue is to find an agency that is fully licensed. Preferably someone who’s been around for a decade or more. Check out the agency’s list of clients. There should be some names you know on there. If it’s all obscure names, probably you want to go elsewhere. A good agency will also help you put together your model composites, an important first step — as the composite is your business card. This can cost money, too, but it’s a necessary process, so make sure you discuss it with your prospective agency.

As far as acting goes, the owner and staff background ought to be quite extensive. Can they claim they studied for four years at the best of schools like the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute and later worked as an agent for something like 4B Talent in NYC and then as head booking agent for the commercial print and fashion divisions of places like Foster Fell Model & Talent Agency. It’s even better if they have also appeared in many films, TV commercials and theatrical productions.

The exciting thing is figuring out what kind of work you want to do, whether print ads, runway work, hand modeling, acting in television or film. Casting directors are always looking for talent to populate shows, like in Southern Florida, where USA Network is filming “Burn Notice” and Fox is producing “The Glades.”

And should you doubt that you’ve got the right look for modeling or acting, fear not: Often the best face for a job is the one you see every day. Agencies know that being exotic is not necessarily the best bet, and that anyone, of all ages, professional and non, can be just what a casting director is looking for.

Real agencies are commission-based with no registration fee. If you’d like to have the opportunity to work with a successful one, all you should have to do is fill out their registration form and see if you’re a good match. However, make sure you know that they expect you to have a positive mental attitude, a willingness to work long hours on casting calls without complaint and the ability to work flexible hours.

Learn more about breaking into show biz, and check out Avenue Productions scam prevention and industry success tips, then stop by and take a look at Avenue Productions scam prevention and industry success advice.

categories: models,actor,actress,casting,talent agency,television,tv,movies

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