Aspects Of Some Of The Best Comedies

People’s opinions on movies, do differ. Few people can even agree on what they consider to be the best comedies. What most people can agree on though is what makes the films they enjoy good. These can vary from cast to plot but these seem insignificant in the face of a few important traits. These traits can make the difference between a good comedy and an amazing comedy.

Many people probably have a favorite spoof movies. Vampire’s Suck is a newer movie released in this genre. Though the movie was funny, it was far from the greatest movies made. One reason for this is that in four years few will remember this movies as, hopefully, the current vampire fad will have passed by then.

Contrasting the general shallowness of spoof movies is the need for realism. The people watching the movie should be able to relate to the plot and the characters. If the story and characters are not believable then people won’t let it go, and therefore won’t be able to enjoy the movie.

The movie’s actual comedic value should not be overlooked. While this may seem obvious there are many comedic movies that aren’t any good because they just aren’t funny. While this can be somewhat attributed to differing senses of humor, there are many films that just aren’t that funny, even if they are a comedy.

The genre can be important. A black comedy will generally not be as popular as a romantic comedy, though this does not keep it from being great. Satires, dark comedies and their ilk are quite prone to developing cult followings because of how dedicated the fan base is to the movies.

The determination of what makes a good movie varies. This idea is a fleeting concept most people agree on what makes a movie good. While not all of these aspects are required, they certainly help in improving the viewer’s experience. These aspects are what separates the good movies from the best comedies.

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