Some Lessons From The Actions Of Richard Overton

People get into historical records for varied reasons. Some do so because of bad deeds and others because of good acts. Richard Overton got into historical books for some reasons and it is these that you will read about in this post. A quick look at his life reveals a playwright who also doubled up as an actor. It is however his stand on certain matters that made him prominent. Many remember him not because of plays but his rebellion.

It is in these times that the man stood out because he gathered the courage to speak out in a way that many people could not dare. With many faces ranging from an actor to a playwright, he used different methods within his power to spread information about his resentment for the authoritarian rule from the monarchy. This of course did not put him in good light with the authorities.

At the time of his actions, it was rare to find any simple man daring to protest against decisions of the church or the king. That is perhaps the main reason why many paid attention to him. It is the bravery to face the powerful that made many people look upon him as a hero of some sort. In modern times, he would have influenced many.

Even in the current systems, pamphlets are still important but you must acknowledge the fact that technological methods of communication have changed. Considering the level of development in communication and technology today, it is difficult to imagine how the man managed to attract attention in the absence of modern day technology.

In modern day, his life is a lesson that many can take to get hints on how to stand firm against adversity. It can also serve as examples to demonstrate the fact that the law can at times get out of hand. Perhaps it points out the fact that rules are supposed to compliment the peaceful coexistence of people in a community as opposed to making things difficult.

In the modern world that you live in today, many things still happen that are similar to those that took place during the 16 and 17 centuries when this man lived. You can still point out oppressive regimes across the world with their citizens crying for justice. This only points to one thing. That is the fact that human beings can be unjust if allowed.

Other important points to take from the life of the man are that it is not about how great you are in society. You can actually have an impact even if you are as little as a theater teacher. Many people look at bad things happening and stay back in the disguise that they are too little to do anything that can alter the situation.

With such memories in mind, it is important to point out that people like Richard Overton will always have a place in the archives of history for as long as their actions still resonate with the ideologies of society. For a community to live in peace, everyone needs to respect other fellows and these were the teachings of Richard. There are no options to these rules because it will only lead to disunity and conflict.

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