Good Luck To Fabiola Sicily

Fabiola Sicily is a fresh face in the entertainment world and one is inclined to wish her the best because she seems to be talented and brave person. Originally from Indonesia, she has international training in dancing, singing and acting and is now working out of California.

Over many years aspiring young actors who might have enjoyed success in their home towns or countries have bent their steps towards Los Angeles, dreaming of international acclaim. From Hollywood, which is a district within the huge conurbation, careers have been launched. However, when one comes from a remote country where English is not the main language it can be difficult to make a name for oneself.

After the defense industry and possibly the resurgent electronics industry the entertainment industry is one of the most lucrative, globally. Young people who fix their eyes on a career in this industry are sometimes regarded dismissively by their peers who opt for careers in science or technology. Ironically, it is the entertainers who can become the richest and most famous.

The film industries in India and China are set to eclipse Hollywood in the near future, but in 2012 the Los Angeles district remains a metonymy for the film industry that plays to the English speaking world. Agents located there are critical to success for a young woman from a remote area of the world aiming for fame.

In the entertainment industry names form a very important ingredient in all discourse. Reviewers and commentators love phrases like, ‘she worked with Joe Soap’, that being a recognizable name. A young actress from a remote spot on the planet needs names as much as she needs talents and probably more than she need qualifications. Her best chance of attracting attention may be in being accepted by an agent whose name has some purchase in Hollywood.

Many an aspiring actress who has enjoyed some success in her home town has arrived in the City of Angels hoping to make her dreams come true. In reality most find anonymity and indifference unless they are lucky. However there are cases of unknown girls finding a helpful agent and becoming famous.

In the age of the Internet and social networking sites there are new strategies for the self promotion that is essential. The rewards will be great if she can make her name known to seven billion people across the Globe. Fame and fortune will usher in new dimensions to life.

Lady Luck is an important player in show business and there can be no doubt that it is not only talent that determines a successful career. Though chance may play a role it is probably talent and real ability that enables an entertainer to seize a lucky opportunity and make the best of it.

Like flowers, girls bloom for a relatively short period in their lives between the ages of sixteen and twenty-six. Before they begin to sink beneath the radar young women must make the most of their slim physique, long hair and bright eyes. The window of opportunity is wide open for a few years and then it begins to close. Beautiful and talented girls like Fabiola Sicily need to combine beauty with brains and zest. When they affirm themselves they deserve best wishes.

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