Get Singing Lessons Orange County – 3 Tips On How To Sing In A Pop Style

Most people quite like singing, even if it is only in the bath. Professional singing stars in any genre used to be worshiped from afar by the rest of the world. Now with the advent of amateur talent shows on TV like America’s Got Talent and The X Factor everyone wants to be the new Michael Jackson or Beyonce.

Indeed taking lessons is invariably essential. If you live in Southern California, voice lessons Orange County are easy to find. You may be blessed with an excellent voice but you have to learn how to use it. You need to extend your range so that you can hit the high notes without screeching and also be aware just how high and how low your voice can be made to go without strain. Vocal chords can be damaged and you need to take care of them.

You need to learn muscle control and how to breathe properly. Opera stars take huge breaths but with pop music the phrasing is different and so is the breathing. Also pop singers use microphones so the way they project their voice is different too. These are the techniques a good singing master can teach you. Look at the internet and choose someone experienced in the kind of singing you want to do.

Once you have decided on the type of singer you want to be, listen to them perform over and over again to hear exactly how they achieve their results. You should study their breathing, their phrasing and even their movements. You will notice that they are acting too so that if the song is a happy one they will smile a lot. If it is mean, then they will look and act mean. By doing this yourself in front of a mirror you will find it helps to get the right intonation.

Do not neglect your general health. Smoking is clearly not going to help your voice. Unless you are performing, when it may be a problem, try to stay away from a smoky atmosphere. Eat plenty of natural foods, stay hydrated and get plenty of rest.

Increase your chances of fame by learning to play an instrument or two as well. This will also hone your musical ability. Also do not stick to one genre of songs. You might consider yourself to be the next pop diva but learn how to handle other songs too like ballads and rock. You never know, those might really be your forte.

Then practice and practice and practice. There really is no other way. This is how all singers from Britney Spears to Pavarotti have done it.

The author is a private music tutor from Southern California. He also has a music school which gives voice lessons Orange County. He has also written an ebook on piano improvisation. Click here to view some pages from his ebook.

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