Waiting For Superman: A Documentary On School Reforms

Education is paramount to all kids and for that matter good education and every child should be offered education and a good environment to study. Therefore when kids are learning in dilapidated facilities in public schools, it leaves a lot to be desired and the documentary on school namely Waiting for Superman, depicts the conditions in which kids in public school learn in.

This film is based on five American kids of elementary to middle school of age. Anthony lives in Washington DC, Daisy in Los Angeles, Francisco in Bronx, Emily in Silicon Valley and Bianca in Harlem. All of these five children are very sharp minded and they all have dreams and hope to become great people in the society.

All these five children are attending the worst public schools in the States with the most pathetic graduation rates. As a parent, you would wish for your kid to attend the best, so as to acquire beneficial education and for this reason, the parents of these kids want to transfer them but the problem comes in with the application process.

The statistics in itself can make you tear. For the state to keep a prisoner alive for one year costs twice as much as sending a kid to a public school in the states. The irony of this is that it is in the same prison that a greater percentage of kids from the public schools end up in.

The USA is ranked close to the last developed nations with a poor performance in reading, science and mathematics. The category that they perform well is one that does not even benefit them as they think that their performance is good if not great.

Davis Guggenheim depicts the solutions that can help save the education system of the American kids who are not privileged enough to attend private institutions. This is a must watch documentary on school for anyone who believes that the public education system needs reforms and who would wish to be a part of this change.

We have a lot more helpful information about The Best Documentary On School Changes .

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