Robert De Niro Is The Man Of Several Faces Each Charmingly Believable

Robert De Niro has become the symbol of how to play a gangster or unscrupulous person convincingly. So much so that the audience is left in no doubt his character is as menacing and dangerous as portrayed. In cinemas around the world he has had people sitting on the edge of their seats wondering what the character would do next. People of all ages and genders are totally enthralled with his characters and greatly admire his art.

Even in a comedy role his totally neurotic bad guy still had a believable menacing presence in ‘Analyze This’. This ability to take on a variety of characters may be attributed to his interesting family mix. Strong Italian and Irish genes with their volatile charm are combined with stern German and English correctness to form a man who can draw on a widely diverse range.

With artistic parents well known for their paintings, poetry and sculpting creativity made it almost a given that Robert De Niro would follow a career in the artistic world. When aged 10 his school put on The Wizard of Oz and he got the role of the Cowardly Lion and the rest as they say is history. In acting he forgot his shyness and discovered a great love that set him free of inhibitions.

His great break came with roles in Mean Streets and Bang the Drum Slowly but it was in the role of a young Vito in the second Godfather film in 1974 that he won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor and a Bafta nomination for Best Newcomer. His portrayal in Taxi Driver got him an Oscar and Bafta nomination for Best Actor and set him on the road to playing tough hoods and an array of other equally scary characters.

His adaptability to take on diverse roles is another trait which makes De Niro a superb actor. He can change from menace to comedy with the blink of an eye and be totally convincing in both roles bringing to each a new level of excellence.

When asked about his strengths a person thinks of a man who has firm and steadfast belief in his own acting ability. His staunch belief to branch out and play roles totally contrasting to what he made his name in underlines this belief.

There is no doubt whatsoever that he has the ability to take on any type of acting role. When he decided to direct and act in these films such as A Bronx Tale and The Good Shepherd he showed that he was equally adept as an actor and a director and could bring his unique style to both.

Ultimately his commitment makes him a superstar. He gained excessive weight and learnt to box for Ranging Bull, he worked as a taxi driver for that role and learnt to play the saxophone for New York, New York. Robert De Niro will do anything to ensure that he and his fellow actors give 100% to their roles even if it requires slinging insults at them.

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