Five Basic Kinds Of The Best Comedies

After a particularly busy day and very chaotic experience, one may choose to watch the best comedies before retiring at night with a smirk. After all, studies show that laughter is still the best medicine. At some point, anyone may have been a comedian or comedienne by themselves. To give better idea how to be funny, here are some of the basic types explained.

Perhaps the most popular of its kinds is the anecdote. This is the narration of any hilarious experiences. This may be one’s personal experience or a story he overheard. This becomes even funnier if one exaggerates the story or the way the story is presented.

Banter is another common type. This is any witty or playful remark. This is usually in response to a statement or a reaction that ridicules anything or anyone. There are some instances, however, when banter becomes very abusive.

A foolish mistake or a blunder is another type of comedy. Some people do it deliberately to make people laugh, while others do not know they were being funny already. The latter type makes the blunder even more hilarious, especially if a wider audience witnessed it.

An imitation of a person, musical composition or any forms of literature in a comical way is known as parody. Originally, the subjects are serious artwork but is delivered in a funny way. However, this is no longer funny if the spectators do not know who the subject of imitation was. Hence, the usual subjects of this type are the popular people or works.

Practical comedy, on the other hand, is a stunt, prank or trick used to victimize a person. The usual subjects of this kind are the innocent ones who does not have the slightest idea that they were being made fools. There had been many protests against this kind because of its inherent cruelty to their victims.

It is always better to chuckle every now and then when people special to you. There are too many ways to enjoy yourself with the best comedies, even at home. Most of the time, the natural ones are the funniest.

Learn more here: best comedies

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