Richard Overton Dies In A California State Prison

Richard Overton dies of diabetes and dementia at the age of eighty one. This is a man, who some say was a beast, for murdering his wife, Janet. He was serving out a life sentence in a California state prison for her murder. Although never charged, he also tried killing Dorothy, his first wife, the same way he murdered Janet. He slowly poisoned these women with cyanide and he even admitted to altering Dorothy’s food would not admit to murdering Janet.

Both women had the same symptoms as each other, nausea, discolored peeling feet and excruciating lesions. Thanks to Dorothy, though, for coming out and telling what she went through, because of this man. The medical examiner reexamined Janet, to find she did die of cyanide poisoning. He used cyanide and selenium to poison both women.

Because of the journals this man kept, which he used codes in Spanish and in Russian, is what ultimately convicted him. It is said he kept explicit details about the murder. The jurors felt that his journals were convincing and that this was evidence of him murdering her.

It is said that Janet would not give him a divorce and that he knew she was having multiple affairs, it made him mad and he wanted her dead. But in Dorothy’s case, he got secretly married to another woman that had his baby, while still married to Dorothy, he wanted her dead so that he could be with this new family of his. Dorothy ended up divorcing him before he had his way, murdering her.

A senseless act of selfishness and cruelty. But although he managed to escape the first try, he eventually got caught the second time around. And if it were not for the fact that he succeed with Dorothy, she wouldn’t have help tell her story to get him caught in the first place.

The worst part is that his and Janet’s son, Eric, is the one who has to suffer for the rest of his life. He lost the one person who he loved more than anyone, his mother. Richard Overton, although seemed to be an educated man, is now known to be a cruel murder. Read more about: richard overton

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