Facts About Celebrities For You To Watch For To Watch For

Among the celebrities that were hot topics all throughout 2010, we cannot forget the man that Time magazine voted as the Sexiest Man Alive. That would be Ryan Reynolds.

He won this very prestigious honor even before the release of his latest Green Lantern movie. His star has been rising since his breakout comedic roles in Waiting and National Lampoons Van Wilder. He is originally from Canada and is wildly popular in America.

He has costarred in several action movies; one of his best roles in Blade 3 truly showcasing his versatile skill as an actor, going from a college party boy to a vampire slaying tough guy. He shows further his skill at changing roles as he takes on the superhero, Green Lantern, in the movie of the same name.

Lady Gaga showed off her many talents in 2010 and we are likely to keep seeing her throughout the next year. Her star continues to rise as she finishes her tour after a holiday break. She is continuing to fight for the rights of the gay/lesbian community, as well. Her popularity is sure to rise as we see plenty more of her in the coming years.

There is a new network to watch, namely the Oprah Winfrey Network, or OWN. Oprah has been a star for some years now but has not started a new venture since the creation of her self-titled magazine. She has been entertaining and informing audiences for many years and 2011 looks to be a new opportunity for more of this living legend.

Miley Cyrus should be seeing her opportunities increase as Hannah Montana is wrapped up and she sees the opening of her latest movie released. She will be continuing on as one of the sweethearts of tweens everywhere. Fans of her music and her acting will not have to worry about the next chance they will get to be entertained, as she has a spot in two movies, one as a star, the other as a cameo, set just for this year.

Check out the latest celebrity gossip, photos, latest news and more at our celebrity blog, Celebrity Gossip Blog or click this link to see what celebrities are hiding in 2011 Celebrity 2011 Blog. Also published at Facts About Celebrities For You To Watch For To Watch For.

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