Locate the unequaled extra talent agency

Avenue Productions Fort Lauderdale on Talent Success

Talent is such a strange and hard-to-define thing. People have it or don’t, or have it and don’t know how to best use it. Sometimes it’s amazing to me that we have commercials or fashion shows or movies at all, what with all the difficulties in finding the right person for those roles. But then this is why a good talent agency is so valuable. Someone has to know how to operate the floodgates of talent, making sure all the right skills end up in the right places.

Finding an agency isn’t the tricky part; it’s finding the right one. They might all look good at first. But anyone who wants your money is going to put on a nice shirt before sticking out his hand. There are a lot of promises thrown around, that’s for sure, but it pays to be cautious when doling out your trust. So research, research, research before you start writing checks. Make sure your agency is on the level. Don’t worry, there are ways to tell.

Avenue Productions Tips for Aspiring Talent

The two little words you definitely want to hear from your prospective agency: “fully licensed.” After that you can begin to breathe a little easier. Especially if the agency has been around for a decade or two. Also, if you recognize the clients the agency uses — that’s a fine sign. Ritz Crackers? Reebok? Fine. “Rugburns and Radishes?” Not a good sign.

So you’ve got an agency you trust, some headshots you can rely on. Now what? What kind of work do you want to do? Glossy magazine? Prime-time commercial? Take a shot at the TV world. This last is perhaps not as intimidating as it seems. Really. In Southern Florida, both USA Network and Fox are producing shows, and those casting directors are always looking for local talent.

Avenue Productions Fort Lauderdale on Talent Success

No good agency spends all its time looking for the exotic face, either. Agencies worth their stuff know to look for the face that an audience will respond to. And that face is generally among us, right out the door. Maybe it’s you. It’s probably not me, so I bet it’s you. And it can be any age, any experience level. It’s just gotta be right.

It’s definitely not work for the faint of heart. Though the good agency can certainly help make it less scary. But even the best can’t guarantee work. It’s just not that kind of world. No, rely on your agency for model composites and practical advice and the stuff that leads to the audition. Because after that, the lights are all on you. So you better hope you were taking notes.

Talent is such a strange and hard-to-define thing. People have it or don’t, or have it and don’t know how to best use it. Sometimes it’s amazing to me that we have commercials or fashion shows or movies at all, what with all the difficulties in finding the right person for those roles. But then this is why a good talent agency is so valuable. Someone has to know how to operate the floodgates of talent, making sure all the right skills end up in the right places.

There are plenty of agencies with plenty of ideas about how best to use your talents. And many of them will tell you — for a price. There are a lot of promises in the talent business, it won’t surprise you to know, but not all are worth anything. So make sure, newbie to the fold, to do your homework before you get involved with any talent agency. There are some sure signs of honesty, and just as many of dishonesty.

Avenue Productions Fort Lauderdale on Talent Success

Just do me this favor: make sure the agency is fully licensed. And that it’s been around longer than a puppy. Don’t pay any registration fees up front, whatever you do. Also, look at the clients the agency has worked with: Kleenex or Sonic? Yes. “Aaron’s Slightly Damaged Shoehorns?” Not the angle you want to follow.

So you’ve got an agency you trust, some headshots you can rely on. Now what? What kind of work do you want to do? Glossy magazine? Prime-time commercial? Take a shot at the TV world. This last is perhaps not as intimidating as it seems. Really. In Southern Florida, both USA Network and Fox are producing shows, and those casting directors are always looking for local talent.

Avenue Productions Fort Lauderdale on Talent Success

Fear not — the model or actor doesn’t have to be all exotic and weird-looking. Agencies actually like talent which looks like everyday people. People that we in the audience can relate to. Whether babies or grandparents, pros or amateurs, we just want to identify with that face.

It’s a lot to keep in mind, surely. But the agency, the good agency, will help you along. With model composites and business cards and introductions to auditions. But the agency can’t guarantee work, because who knows? There’s a lot of magic once the cameras turn on, and even the most ancient agency can’t predict which way the winds blow for talent every time.

For a a study of acting & modeling talent agencies and discover Avenue Productions Model & Talent Agency. Discover what Avenue Productions Model & Talent Agency professionals have to say about braking into show-business.

categories: headshots,auditions,models,actor,actress,casting,talent agency,television,tv,movies,entertainment

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One Response to Locate the unequaled extra talent agency

  1. Susan Walker says:

    The Ubiquity of Media

    Entertainment and advertising are popping up in more and more places — on the Internet, on your phone, heck, probably in your dreams. And naturally there’s a steady demand for people to fill those spaces in our lives. Which brings me to why I’m here. To suggest that if you’re interested in being one of those folks, you should think about talking to a good, reputable talent agency.

    Just as models and actors are showing up in more places, so too are the agencies looking to represent them. And not all of these agencies has your best interests at heart. Some are just looking to make a quick buck, so keep a hand on the wallet and ask questions. Do your homework. This is an important relationship, so make sure you trust the agency you decide to work with.

    Research the Talent Agency

    Once you’ve decided your agency is on the level, you’ll want to get started with this whole process. You need model composites. That’s your calling card in the industry. The agency can help you get set up with those essentials, assuming they’re fully licensed.

    Now comes the part where you put some serious thought into what kind of work you’re going to want to do. Will it be magazine ads or catwalk walking? Will it be lending your voice to radio or your feet to the latest shoe commercial? Or will you try your talents at acting? There are TV shows shooting all the time, all over the place. Whatever the case, get ready to dedicate yourself to the job.

    Hard Work and the Right Look

    And hey, don’t doubt yourself because you don’t think you have the right look for the job. Talent agencies seek all kinds of people of all ages for the variety of work that’s out there. A casting director’s tastes may be for just what you have to offer, in which case you should be there to take the job. In other words, don’t be discouraged because you think you look sort of like everybody; sometimes, that’s exactly what they’re looking for.

    But this is why the relationship with the agency is so important. The talent agency is going to be your guide through this whole process, from composites to auditions, and hence it’s important to know who you’re dealing with. So research the agency and the promises it makes. When you find the right one, it’ll be the one that wants you to succeed, that treats you like a partner and not just a walking, talking wallet. Get out there and work hard.

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