Taylor Lautner Workout Revealed

This article will focus at length about the techniques used in the Taylor Lautner workout methods. These are the methods that allowed for Taylor’s dramatic physical transformation between the first and second Twighlight movies. Taylor’s ripped body was not only eyed by many teenage girls but I think it would be fair to say also in admiration by many males. So what are the keys to Taylor Lautner workout that allowed him to gain muscles so quickly?

I do not doubt that Taylor paid some serious dues in the weight room and at the eating table but let’s just put a few things in perspective about the Taylor Lautner workout regime. Make no doubt about it, Taylor is a serious athlete. He has a heavy background in martial arts with various high level achievements. From younger photos floating around on the internet we can see that he had a good foundation to build upon. He had good basic muscle shape and definition. Another factor is Taylor’s age. He was at a good age where is body could be receptive to training with regards to the hormones needed to build muscle. And lastly, it has to be remembered this was part of his job, he was able to dedicate all his time and energy to it. He had to live and breathe gaining muscle or he could have risked losing his part in the movie.

Diet seems to have played a critical role in the Taylor Lautner workout program. Taylor has mentioned this several times in interviews, with references to constantly eating. His trainer was adamant that he had to eat something every 2 hours. And apparently it could be anything, Taylor simply needed the calories. Taylor did not seem to enjoy such frequent eating. This type of calorie rich approach should only be employed if you are very young, have a fast metabolism or naturally low body fat, otherwise you could add too much excess body fat.

A good little training tip utilized in the Taylor Lautner workout was creating more tension throughout the movement of an exercise. This was employed with free weight exercises. During a free weight movement, usually the end of the movement or lockout phase is easier to perform. With the bench press as an example, when your elbows are nearly straight is a lot easier than when the bar is near your chest. To overcome this mechanical advantage the Taylor Lautner workout used resistance bands tied to the barbells and dumbbells he would lift. This recruits more muscle fibers and has more potential for muscle growth.

The Taylor Lautner workout approach also had a different mindset to abdominal training. This was crucial for Taylor and his ab training. The abdominals are often hit relentlessly as people quest for a six pack. People forget the abs need time to recover and grow just like any other body part. Taylor worked his abs three times a week with a variety of exercises. This resulted in a stronger core and more defined looking midsection.

The article above outlines some of the factors at play in the Taylor Lautner workout program that helped Taylor make such a remarkable transformation. Taylor had some factors in his favor and this type of approach may not be the best way for everyone.

For more hints and tips on the Taylor Lautner workout, visit author Nick Springs’ website which has all the most efficient fitness facts such as how to build a ripped body.

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