an inquiry of acting & modeling auditions & scam avoidance tips

They promised that they would give you a call after your job interview. In your heart, you know that you are qualified for the position. You expect that they are already going to make arrangements with you, but they didn’t. This is a exhausting experience for every applicant and it is a poor reflection of any company. The sad truth about this circumstance is that it happens more often than you think.

Cheryl was happy with her interview on Tuesday. She knew that she did very well with the interview. She even thought that it was just appropriate to send a thank you letter. The company representative told her that the results of her interview will come out by the end of the week, but it’s already Friday– and she still did not receive any calls. By this time, she is already having doubts if she would even receive any. She started asking herself, Is it okay for me to call and ask about my interview? Or should I just wait over the weekend?

Cheryl wanted peace of mind, so she asked her cousin Gloria for advice. Cheryl’s cousin was a HR manager who worked for a different company. Gloria encouraged Cheryl to inquire about her job application. She also told Cheryl to inquire on Tuesday because it is always inappropriate to inquire on Mondays — companies are busy gearing up for the week.

That Tuesday, Cheryl made the call to the company. Before making the call, she made sure that she was prepared. She even wrote a script of her message to establish a good impression. When she dialed, she reached a voice mail and left a message:

“I’m Cheryl Jones. We met last Tuesday when I came for the job interview. I just want to follow up the condition of my application and I am thinking if you still believe that I am suited for the job. I will be pleased if you try to reach me today. My telephone number is 333-999-8888. Thank you for this time.”

It is fair to call a company if they do not contact you after a job interview. Just be sure to prepare yourself when you inquire. Be respectful when you speak and reflect an image of professionalism. Explain that you find their company as the best choice for you that is why you need to receive a feedback about you application. Try calling them up to three times. If you still do not get any feedback, take it as a rejection. It will be irritating for them if you still inquire afterwards.

If you get a chance to talk to a real person when you call, make the best out of this opportunity to inquire about your pending application. Sometimes the person who will talk to you will offer you sound advice. Appreciate this instance and thank the person because this seldom happens. Find a lesson to learn from this event.

Bosses know that applicants are very eager to find out about the results of their application. For this reason, most employers wait for the right time to discuss this matter to the applicant. On the other hand, there are employers who let applicants wait even after announcement date. You have to consider things like this before working for that particular employer. Meanwhile, do something productive while you wait by looking for other jobs.

An outline of talent auditions. Read more about Avenue Productions scam avoidance and audition success suggestions.

categories: models,actor,actress,casting,talent agency,television,tv,movies

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